234 North Garden


Drink Recommendation

A Wahlbreski is an obvious choice, but they also have a “Wahlcoction” called the “Fluffanuttahh” which deserves a look based on spelling alone.

Bar Highlights

Just a lot of pictures of Marky Mark…hopefully including that Calvin Klein ad.


Ask a non-Crawler to take your picture with the cutout of the Wahlberg brothers. 1 point for getting the picture, 3 points for making it your profile pic, 10 points if the non-crawler becomes a Drunkventurer.

Quote from Luke

What was once the Mall’s New Kid on the Block has become a reliable go-to stop for Crawlers. Now that there is a Wahlburgers in every Hy-Vee across the state, the novelty seems to have worn off and it is much easier to get a spot at their decently sized bar. Your Funky Bunch of Drunkventurers should have no problem being able to squeeze in for a Wahlbrewski. Yeah, of course that’s a thing. If they happen to be filming an episode of their reality show while you are crawling, be sure to get some screen time; but make sure you fully credit Drunkventure, LLC or we will sue your ass.

Nearest Bathroom

in the back of the restaurant, through the hallway filled with Marky Mark movie posters.